Occupational, Health & Safety
Human Resource is a key success factor for business and adds value to the Company in all aspects. It is the Company’s policy to conduct its activities in a manner that promotes the health and safety of its employees. The Company accords the same weightage to Health and Safety factors as it does to Commercial and Operational factors. To this end, the health and safety responsibilities of all personnel have been defined and allocated. The Company’s Safety Management System (SMS) is intended to affirm that the Company achieves its goals in this area and is based on the philosophy that accidents can be prevented by the identification and management of risk.
Ensuring that each crew member gets enough rest is a necessity. To avoid fatigue and stress related accidents on board, minimum rest periods have been recommended by STCW 95 convention and ILO Convention 180.
Both Thailand and Singapore, the flag states of the vessels in our fleet, have ratified the Labour Convention. All the Company’s vessels are fully compliant with the MLC requirements.
The Company’s medical fitness requirements are higher than the standards set by International Labour Organization (ILO) and other regulatory bodies. As a result, the Company finds very few cases of fitness or sickness related problems amongst its seafarers.